Query Regarding Division by Zero Error and Computational Challenges in FAST.Farm Curl Wake Model Simulations

Dear @Jason.Jonkman, many thanks for your continued support and prompt response as usual.

I was using FAST.Farm v3.5.3 initially, but the “stack overflow” issue was resolved when I switched to v3.5.4. Thank you for pointing that out.

Regarding DT_High, I had previously used a small time step but have now adjusted it to 0.3, following your recommendation in an earlier post (Using Mann Model for FastFarm Simulations - #10 by Jason.Jonkman). Similarly, I initially set dr = c_max as advised by the manual. However, based on your recent comments, I will now use dr = D_rotor / 15 for both models.

For this simulation, I am working with the NREL 15 MW wind turbine, which has a rotor diameter (D) of approximately 241 m. The inflow average wind speed for the simulation is 7 m/s.

I have one additional question: Is there a way to track the downstream distance of the upstream turbine’s wake centre over time? Specifically, I’d like an alternative to relying on the variable WkAxsXT1DN at a particular N-plane and checking when its value becomes non-zero.