Platform displacement timeseries input

Dear all,

I need to use platform displacements and rotations to see their effect on the simulation of the aeroelastic response of a sail-wing for naval propulsion with OpenFAST (AeroDyn+BeamDyn+InfloWind).

I saw how I could use HydroDyn to build a complete hydrodynamic model. But it turns out that I already have in-house platform displacements and rotations. So I wonder if it is possible to use directly timeseries of plateform heave, sway, surge, yaw, pitch and roll instead of the complete hydrodyn module.

Thanks in advance for your answer,


Dear @Theo.Tardif,

Similar questions have been asked and answered before. For example, see: How to input platform motions time series and observe the responses..

Best regards,

Thank you @Jason.Jonkman for your quick reply !

Best regards,