Partial Safety Factor

Hello there,

I’ve searched in forum many times about the partial safety factors, but i did not find a convenient answer. In case of DLC 1.2, if the class of the wind turbine changes, the partial ssafety factor for consequences of failure will also change Yn =(0.9 - 1,3) . partial ssafety factor for material Ym >=(1.1) for steel, but it is (1,2 -1.7) for composite material. The partial safety factor for loads Yf=(1.25). In Mlife I can put only the PSFtype. In which file in Mlife can I edit the set of PSF that Mlife applies as an example for DLC 1.1?

Best regards,

Dear @Hussam.Al.Halabi,

MLife is typically applied only to fatigue loads, not extreme loads (for which MExtremes is used as a post-processor instead of MLife) or material/resistance. For fatigue, a partial safety factor for loads of 1.0 is typically used.

Best regards,

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