Dear @Pietro.Bortolotti ,
thank you very much for your suggestions.
I have tried to modify the analysis options file, following your indications and the example.
However, I still have troubles in setting up the optimization run.
Using the following settings for analysis options:
folder_output: outputs/06_IEA15_single_run
fname_output: refturb_output
- layer_name: spar_cap_ss
flag: True
n_opt: 4 # Number of control points along blade span
max_decrease: 0.7 # Maximum nondimensional decrease at the n_opt locations
max_increase: 1.3 # Maximum nondimensional increase at the n_opt locations
index_start: 1 # Lock the first DV from blade root
index_end: 3 # The last DV at blade tip is locked
- layer_name: spar_cap_ps
flag: True
n_opt: 4 # Number of control points along blade span
max_decrease: 0.7 # Maximum nondimensional decrease at the n_opt locations
max_increase: 1.3 # Maximum nondimensional increase at the n_opt locations
index_start: 1 # Lock the first DV from blade root
index_end: 3 # The last DV at blade tip is locked
merit_figure: blade_mass
flag: True # Flag to impose constraints on maximum strains (absolute value) in the spar cap on the blade suction side
max: 3500.e-6 # Value of maximum strains [-]
index_start: 1 # Do not enforce constraint at the first station from blade root of the n_opt from spar_cap_ss
index_end: 3 # Do not enforce constraint at the last station at blade tip of the n_opt from spar_cap_ss
flag: True # Flag to impose constraints on maximum strains (absolute value) in the spar cap on the blade pressure side
max: 3500.e-6 # Value of maximum strains [-]
index_start: 1 # Do not enforce constraint at the first station from blade root of the n_opt from spar_cap_ps
index_end: 3 # Do not enforce constraint at the last station at blade tip of the n_opt from spar_cap_ps
flag: True
margin: 1.134 #1.4175
flag: True # Flag to enable optimization
tol: 1.e-3 # Optimality tolerance
# max_major_iter: 10 # Maximum number of major design iterations (SNOPT)
# max_minor_iter: 100 # Maximum number of minor design iterations (SNOPT)
max_iter: 30 # Maximum number of iterations (SLSQP)
solver: SLSQP # Optimization solver. Other options are ‘SLSQP’ - ‘CONMIN’
step_size: 1.e-3 # Step size for finite differencing
form: forward # Finite differencing mode, either forward or central
flag: False # Flag to enable design of experiments
run_parallel: False # Flag to run using parallel processing
generator: Uniform # FullFact # Type of input generator. (Uniform)
num_samples: 2 # number of samples for (Uniform only)
flag: True # Flag to activate OpenMDAO recorder
file_name: log_opt.sql # Name of OpenMDAO recorder
and the following ones for modelling options:
verbosity: False # When set to True, the code prints to screen many infos
use_exe: True
allow_fails: True
fail_value: 9999
flag: True
spar_cap_ss: spar_cap_ss
spar_cap_ps: spar_cap_ps
te_ss: TE_reinforcement_SS
te_ps: TE_reinforcement_PS
n_span: 60
flag: True
flag: True
wind: PowerWind # Wind used
gamma_f: 1.35 # Safety factor for fatigue loads
gamma_m: 1.3 # Safety factor for material properties
gamma_n: 1.0 # Safety factor for …
gamma_b: 1.1 # Safety factor for …
gamma_fatigue: 1.755 # Safety factor for fatigue loads
buckling_length: 30 # Buckling parameter
soil_springs: True
gravity_foundation: False
shear: True
geom: True
tol: 1e-9
flag: False
flag: True
rank_and_file: True
# BOS:
# flag: True
Level3: # Options for WEIS fidelity level 3 = nonlinear time domain
flag: True
DT: 0.01
CompElast: 1
CompInflow: 1
CompAero: 2
CompServo: 1
CompHydro: 1
CompSub: 0
CompMooring: 3
CompIce: 0
OutFileFmt: 3
NumCrctn: 1
Linearize: False
FlapDOF1: True
FlapDOF2: True
EdgeDOF: True
TeetDOF: False
DrTrDOF: False
GenDOF: True
YawDOF: False
TwFADOF1 : True
TwFADOF2 : True
TwSSDOF1 : True
TwSSDOF2 : True
PtfmSgDOF: True
PtfmSwDOF: True
PtfmHvDOF: True
PtfmRDOF : True
PtfmPDOF : True
PtfmYDOF : True
WvLowCOff: 0.15708
WvHiCOff: 3.2
WaveSeed1: 123456789
AddBQuad1: [9.23e5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -8.92e6, 0.0]
AddBQuad2: [0.0, 9.23e5, 0.0, 8.92e6, 0.0, 0.0]
AddBQuad3: [0.0, 0.0, 2.3e6, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
AddBQuad4: [0.0, 8.92e6, 0.0, 1.68e10, 0.0, 0.0]
AddBQuad5: [-8.92e6, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.68e10, 0.0]
AddBQuad6: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 4.8e10]
PotMod: 1
# WaveMod: 0
PotFile: /home/sp/WEIS/examples/01_aeroelasticse/OpenFAST_models/IEA-15-240-RWT/IEA-15-240-RWT-UMaineSemi/HydroData/IEA-15-240-RWT-UMaineSemi
# …/01_aeroelasticse/OpenFAST_models/IEA-15-240-RWT/IEA-15-240-RWT-UMaineSemi/HydroData/IEA-15-240-RWT-UMaineSemi
flag: False
potential_model_override: 2
flag: True
tuning_yaml: /home/sp/WEIS/examples/01_aeroelasticse/OpenFAST_models/IEA-15-240-RWT/IEA-15-240-RWT-UMaineSemi/IEA15MW-UMaineSemi.yaml
wind_speed: [4., 6., 8., 10., 12., 14., 16., 18., 20., 22., 24.]
wave_height_NSS: [0.83, 0.88, 0.94, 1.03, 1.16, 1.34, 1.57, 1.86, 2.22, 2.62, 3.07]
wave_period_NSS: [6.9, 6.96, 7.02, 7.12, 7.25, 7.43, 7.66, 7.94, 8.27, 8.63, 9.01]
wave_height_SSS: [6.3, 8, 8, 8.1, 8.5, 8.5, 9.8, 9.8, 9.8, 9.8, 9.9]
wave_period_SSS: [11.5, 12.7, 12.7, 12.8, 13.1, 13.1, 14.1, 14.1, 14.1, 14.1, 14.1]
wave_height1: 6.98
wave_period1: 11.7
wave_height50: 10.68
wave_period50: 14.2
# - DLC: “1.1”
# wind_speed: [24]
# wave_height: [9]
# wave_period: [14]
# n_seeds: 6
# analysis_time: 600
# transient_time: 120
# turbulent_wind:
# HubHt: 140
# GridHeight: 300
# GridWidth: 300
# - DLC: “1.3”
# n_seeds: 6
# - DLC: “1.4”
# - DLC: “1.5”
- DLC: “1.6”
wind_speed: [12]
transient_time: 0.
analysis_time: 10.
# - DLC: “6.1”
# n_seeds: 6
# - DLC: “6.3”
# n_seeds: 6
I still have the following error:
Thanks in advance for your support.
Best regards,