By the way, when I said fan model, I actually meant the wind turbine model,sorry.
I actually could not successfully complete the full rosco installation , so could not guide you with the steps you followed. But since you managed to perform the full rosco installation, I think the installation must be proper. Did you set the parameters correct in the yaml input file and model in the python file? Because I could see the model in the screenshot you posted as Bar10.fst. Is that your desired model? Again I am no expert, just told you my intuition.
Best Regards
Hi All,
The error message above looks like a mismatch between the input files and the OpenFAST file readers in the ROSCO repo.
We test these examples every pull request, so I’d recommend trying to update to the latest main branch of the ROSCO repository and make sure there are no changes made to the file reader or input files.
If you run into further installation and software issues, they are probably better addressed and tracked on the ROSCO GitHub page.
Best, Dan
Dear Nitin,
I see what you mean. Thank you for your help.
Best Regards
Dear Nitin,
It seems I have a similar problem to your issue 2. Can you tell me the correct path to put this openfast exe file in?Now it is in C:\Windows\System32\ROSCO\Test_Cases\NREL-5MW, and I got the same error as your previous screen picture.
Best Regards
Dear Lei,
I tried placing the .exe at different locations and for me, its working while in the folder “ROSCO\Examples\examples_out\13_ipc_sim”.You can try that.
Best Regards
Dear Nitin,
Thank you, my dear friend. I wish you all the best.
Best Regards
Dear Daniel,
I have recently been experimenting with IPC simulation to improve the NRELOffshrBsline5MW_OC4DeepCwindSemi’s platform motion response at below rated wind speeds (10mps), and I have seen some positive results. However, I now want to change the frequency/period of the paddle to 5.5s as shown below. I tried changing PC_MaxRat/PC_MinRat IN DISCON. in and PitManRat and PtchRate_Max/PtchRate_Min in ServoDyn.dat, but nothing worked. What parameters do you think I should adjust or how to change the variable cycle from 5.5s to 10s or 100s?
Hi Lei,
The IPC in ROSCO is based on the MBC transform, so the frequency of the pitch oscillations depends on the azimuth position and rotor speed.
We recently added active wake control, which may offer functionality similar to what you are looking for.
I hope this helps.
Best, Dan
Dear Daniel,
I actually want to match the frequency of the platform 6 DOFs to the blade pitch in hopes of reducing the response of the platform. Can you give me some advice please?Maybe you think I should modify the ROSCO source code?
Best Regards