I’ve got your mail. I am typing here, just to share with everyone.
AeroDyn.dat file contains a parameter “TwrElev”. TwrElev is the parameter that stores tower node elevations. InflowWind calculates the wind speed at TwrElev nodes.
In case of MIT NREL TLP, first tower node is defined at z=0 mt. When heave motion occurs, InflowWind can not calculate the wind speed in negative elevations so FAST aborts.
So Jason Jonkman advised me to slightly uplift the first tower node. And that worked with me. Here: Error calculating the wind speed at position
But with the Semi-submersible, Tower base node is defined at +10 m. (TwrElev =0, AeroDyn.dat file) So your case is different here. But your FAST abort message is the same with my case that indicates a submerged tower base. I think at time step 8, heave is more than 10 m so tower base is below the still water level where InflowWind alerts you and FAST aborts.
This discussion might be helpful where there is also a excessive heave motion.
I am also new to FAST and the community. I hope what I’ve experienced helps.