Hello everyone,
I am not entirely sure if this is the right board for this thread – if not please feel free to move it !
I was recently told that NREL has conducted experiments with regard to deformation measurements of an operating wind turbine. I could, however, find no further information on this online and BeamDyn (“BeamDyn: a high-fidelity wind turbine blade solver in the FAST modular framework”) seems to have been verified by comparison with other codes instead of measurements.
Are you aware of any wind turbine experiments involving measurement of the actual blade deformations ?
Best Regards,
Dear Tobias,
You’re probably referring to our collaboration with Siemens to measure data off of their 2.3-MW, 108-m diameter wind turbine installed at NREL. While the measurement data is proprietary, we have published results comparing this data against simulation results from FAST with ElastoDyn and BeamDyn and from BHawC in the following journal article in Wind Energy Science: wind-energ-sci.net/2/443/2017/.
Best regards,
Dear Jason,
thanks for your reply !
I guess the blade geometry as well as structural parameters are proprietary as well – there is no possibility to use these for validation of self developed aeroelastic codes ?
Best regards,
Dear Tobias,
Yes, the FAST model of the Siemens turbine used in that validation project is protected by an NDA.
Best regards,