Multi-Rotor OpenFAST Simulations


I have read in v4.0 patch notes that it is now possible for multiple rotors for the aerodyn c-bindings ( #1784 Multi-rotor support in ADI c-bindings interface). Is it correct to assume this feature is still not available for a full wind turbine system? It seems like this multi-rotor aerodyn would have to then manually be coupled to an elastoDyn-like routine for aeroelastic simulations and also incorporate floating platform motions. Any clarity on this would be be greatly appreciated. I have found an example of this multiple rotor aerodyn at r-test/modules/aerodyn/ad_MultipleHAWT at main · OpenFAST/r-test · GitHub .

Thank you,
Jacob Fontaine

Dear @Jacob.Fontaine,

We are working to introduce full aero-hydro-servo-elastic capability in OpenFAST for modeling multi-rotor land-based and fixed-bottom and floating offshore wind energy systems, but this functionality is not yet complete. We intend to release it in OpenFAST v5 later this year. As of OpenFAST v4, multi-rotor capability is supported in the standalone AeroDyn driver, but not yet in OpenFAST. We presented an update on this topic at NAWEA / WindTech 2024 and submitted an abstract to present another update at WESC 2025.

Best regards,

Dr. Jonkman,

Thank you for your reply! I am looking forward to it.

Thank you,
Jacob Fontaine