MoorDyn GetMass matrix function not available

I am trying to print out the mass and added mass matrices corresponding to each node on the mooring line, as per this function in the C API. However, I do not see this function being written in MoorDyn2.h and thus returns an error when I call this function. Any troubleshooting tips?


Hi @Elaine.Liu,

Just to be clear the C-API corresponds to MoorDyn-C, and thus is not compatible with any OpenFAST coupling. The function MoorDyn_GetLineNodeM is declared in Line.h, which is included in MoorDyn2.h. In what context are you trying to use MoorDyn_GetLineNodeM (driver script, coupling to other solver, etc.)? What kind of error are you seeing?

Hi Ryan,
I was using MoorDyn through C script, and just found my error of not including MoorDyn_ in front of the function. Thanks for the message though!


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