Hi Jason,
Apologies, you are correct.
I had forgotten to remove results from a previous simulation, and so these were the values shown and plotted after the simulation had finished at 83.513 seconds. OpenFAST did indeed stop generating results after the simulation was aborted. You may disregard any values shown in previous graphs after this time.
Unfortunately, due to large file sizes, I cannot attach the output results directly here. Instead they can be found in a shared folder at the link below:
drive.google.com/drive/folders/ … sp=sharing
I hope this makes things easier for you to follow.
Lastly, I have found that changing the time step does effect the time at which the simulation aborts at. However, this is not a linear relationship, i.e. a smaller timestep does not necessarily mean the simulation fails/ aborts earlier and visa versa. Therefore I find it difficult to say what effect timestep has on the simulation exactly.
Let me know if you have any further thoughts on this.
Thanks again and regards,
Stephen Lynch