I would like to model a tendon that is pinned at the top to the OWT support structure, and connected to a pile anchor through a universal joint at the bottom.
What is did is the following (in sudyn)
- STRUCTURE JOINTS: Joint 20 is type 3 (Pin), with JointDirX 0, JointDirY 1.0 and JointDirZ 0.0, JointStiff 0.0
- STRUCTURE JOINTS: Joint 25 is type 2 (Universal), with JointDirX 1.0, JointDirY 1.0 and JointDirZ 0.0, JointStiff 0.0
all 1,RctRDXss' and
-Yss` to 0 - MEMBERS:
MemberID 24, MJointID1 20, MJointID2 25, MPropSetID1 1, MPropSetID2 1, MType 2
PropSetID 1 EA 1.489719e+10 MatDens 533.3242, T0 6280e+3 CtrlChannel 0
When I try to run the case, at the beginning I got this error:
Node 25 is an universal joint, number of members involved: 1
- 8*
- 8*
- 8*
FAST_InitializeAll:SD_Init:DirectElimination:BuildTMatrix:JointElimination: universal joints should only connect two elements.
Based on Link:
This version of SubDyn can, in fact, handle partially restrained joints by setting one or more DOF flags to 0 and providing the appropriate stiffness and mass matrix elements for that DOF via the SSIfile
I therefore added a “SSI.txt” file in the BASE REACTION JOINT for RJointID 25, that looks like the following, but I still have the same error.
Where is my mistake?
!---------------- Pile Head K and M elements -------------------!
!Equivalent Stiffness Constants: Kxx, Kyy, Kzz, Kxtx, Kxty..Kztx,Kzty,Kztz in any order; max 21
-1.98E+09 Kxty
-6.83E-02 Kyty
0.00E+00 Kzty
-2.73E-01 Ktxty
1.35E+10 Ktyty
0.00E+00 Kxtz
0.00E+00 Kytz
0.00E+00 Kztz
0.00E+00 Ktxtz
0.00E+00 Ktytz
7.00E+08 Ktztz
5.04E+08 Kxx
3.11E-02 Kxy
5.06E+08 Kyy
0.00E+00 Kxz
0.00E+00 Kyz
2.54E+09 Kzz
6.83E-02 Kxtx
1.99E+09 Kytx
0.00E+00 Kztx
1.35E+10 Ktxtx