Inertia about system CM of OC4-DeepCwind

Dear all,
I don’t know I don’t know if this is the right place to ask the question, but I should have a try.
I have read a certain amount of theses about various floating platform, for example OC4 or OO-Star because I am major in NREL5MW and DTU10MW. But almost all are not provide inertia about system CM, which are replaced by inertia about RNA CM and floating platform CM.A paper about OC5 provide it but it is not adapted to NREL5MW or DTU10MW, but a blade from MARIN.
I use STAR-CCM+ for CFD and DFBI. When I setting up the DFBI, I should type in moment of inertia of the 6-DOFs body. But unlucky I hardly to find it if it is the inertia about system CM mentioned in many theses.
I wang to know where I could find the full system inertia for my DFBI setting, or if the inertia about floating platform CM can be used as that about full system.

Dear @Wenchao.Shen,

The 6x6 mass matrix for the full system (rotor + drivetrain + nacelle + tower + floater + ballast) of the NREL 5-MW baseline wind turbine atop the OC4-DeepCwind semisubmersible is available in my post dated Feb 13, 2020 in the following forum topic: OC4-DeepCwind semisubmersible - WAMIT Files.

Best regards,