Incoming wind speed for a turbine in a wake


I’m currently doing my thesis at university which involves minimizing the wake effect in offshore wind farms. The study I am doing uses MATLAB and multiple turbines (situated one behind the other). I know to work out the downstream wind speed from the first turbine you use the free flow wind speed coming into the first turbine. This then enables you to get the wake velocity at the second turbine and hence its power. However, I’m wondering what to use for the incoming wind speed for the third turbine. I’ve decided it would be the downstream wind speed from the second turbine but I am not 100% sure since, unlike the first turbine, a wake is now involved. Could anyone help me out with this?


Dear Daniel,

Our soon-to-be-released FAST.Farm software solves for the inflow of the second turbine using the ambient wind plus wake effect from the first turbine, and the inflow to the third turbine is solved using the ambient wind plus the merged wake effect from the first and second turbines.

Best regards,