Hi, I’ve noticed that the BeamDyn blade only has 30 nodes rather than 59 in AeroDyn & ElastoDyn. How are the loads transferred from AeroDyn to BeamDyn with different blade discretisation? Is this just because the loads are transferred as distributed loads per unit length rather than nodal loads?
------- AERODYN v15.00.* BLADE DEFINITION INPUT FILE -------------------------------------
Generated with AeroElasticSE FAST driver
====== Blade Properties =================================================================
59 NumBlNds - Number of blade nodes used in the analysis (-)
------- BEAMDYN V1.00.* INDIVIDUAL BLADE INPUT FILE --------------------------
Generated with AeroElasticSE FAST driver
---------------------- BLADE PARAMETERS --------------------------------------
30 station_total - Number of blade input stations (-)
Also, when running with CompElast = 2, is any of the blade information within the ElastoDyn_blade file used? Or is this information disregarded and BeamDyn just uses information within BeamDyn main file and blade file?
Barry Britton