IEA 10MW Blade & Tower Properties for Bladed

Dear NREL Forum Communities

I’m looking for the IEA 10MW Blade & Tower Properties for DNV Bladed(v4.10)

I already searched Technical Report and Github but couldn’t find detailed information.

Also, Most of papers using IEA 10MW R.W.T doesn’t show any specific design.

In contrast to IEA 15MW R.W.T, it’s really hard to find actual properties for me.

Does anyone have IEA 10MW Blade & Tower Properties for DNV Bladed(v4.10)?

If you can’t share, would please guide me how to find detailed model?

Here is what i want to know


  1. Geometry
    Especially, ‘Neutral axis’ and ‘Neutral axis, local’

  1. Mass and stiffness


  1. Wall thickness, Height, Outer diameter

Best Regards,

Dear @Sangwon.Lee,

The properties of the IEA Wind 10-MW reference wind turbine are documented here: GitHub - IEAWindTask37/IEA-10.0-198-RWT.

Best regards,

Dear @Jason.Jonkman

I already checked everything in Github but i don’t satisfy.

Is there much detailed and specific document about IEA 10MW R.W.T properties?

Best Regards,

Dear @Sangwon.Lee,

Did you review the documentation linked from the repository I linked to: What information do you seek that is not documented in this report?

Best regards,

Dear @Jason.Jonkman

Sorry for that I reply late.

I have studied the documentation which you gave me and found some solution from there.

I really appreciated for your help.

Best regards,

Dear @Jason.Jonkman

Currently, I am looking for IEA 10MW monopile thickness.

According to Systems Engineering in Wind Energy, WP2.1 Reference Wind Turbines, I can confirm only tower thickness (height range: 0 ~ 115.630m) on page 131.

On page 53, I can see some properties and dimensions of the foundation (monopile) but can’t find the monopile thickness (height range: 0 ~ 30m).

Finally, I guess, I found foundation properties in IEA 10MW Subdyn.dat on github, but I’m not sure if this is correct.

So, here is my question.

  1. Does ‘XsecT’ mean foundation thickness in this picture?

If right, does 'PropSetID(No. 1~19) mean each section between the structure joint (No. 1~20) in Subdyn.dat?

  1. Is it fine to calculate foundation thickness by {(out diameter) - (inner diameter of foundation)}/2?(using page 53, table 15 information)

Best regards,

Hello Sangwon,
the distribution of wall thickness along the height of the monopile is available here
Best regards,

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Dear @Pietro.Bortolotti

Thank you for your respond!

Have a nice day

Best regards,