How to model yaw-wind misalignment?

Dear Jason,
I have some questions about simulating the parked land-based 5MW wind turbine with the yaw-misalignment. I am now using the Openfast v3.2.1 and run the 5MW_Land_DLL_Wturb.fst. For the parked condition, I think I have made the right settings according to several posts discussed in the Forum (if you think I may make mistakes I can share my settings). Also for Yaw-misalignment, I mainly disabled the YawDOF and set the NacYaw to the value I intended. I have questions regarding the results I obtained as presented below:

A) flap-wise root moments for three blades with NacYaw is 0°

B) flap-wise root moments for blade 1 with NacYaw = 0° , 90°, 180°, -90°

For figure A), I wonder why the moments at the root for different blades are different? I guess it may relate to the azimuth position for the rotor at the initial time I set, which is 0 Azimuth in ElastoDyn. If so, it will mean that the azimuth position will have a great effect on the responses for each blade and where can I find the relevant description for this setting? (I find no info in FAST User’s Manual 2005)

For the figure B), It seems to show that for blade 1 root moment, the response is not exactly symmetrical along 0-180 ° (for example, for NacYaw = 0° and 180°, the response is similar, but the mean of response is slightly different). Except this is related to the azimuth position, what other factor can be?
Thank you for your time for this matter. Look forward to hearing from you.
