Good morning Mr Jonkman,
I am reposting this message that was sandwiched between already treated queries.
First of all, thanks for your past answer on the PropPot flag that made things clearer for me.
I have another query to run simulations with the semi submersible : to generate a forced motion on the floater, what is the proper way to proceed; I would think to put WAMITInputsMod = 2 and to give the following time series informations :
Column 1 : Time step value (s)
Columns 2-4 : Translational displacements along X, Y, and Z (m)
Columns 5-7 : Rotational displacements about X, Y, and Z [small angle] (radians)
Columns 8-10: Translational velocities along X, Y, and Z (m/s)
Columns 11-13: Rotational velocities about X, Y, and Z (radians/s)
Columns 14-16: Translational accelerations along X, Y, and Z (m/s2)
Columns 17-19: Rotational accelerations about X, Y, and Z (radians/s2)
Is it correct ?
Thanks in advance for your answer.
Best regards.
Florence Haudin.