FAST theory manual

Dear Jason,

could you please send me the Unofficial Fast Theory Manual as well?

Best Regards,



Dear Dr. Jonkman,

Could you please send me the unofficial theory manual for FAST?

My e-mail:

Thank you in advance,

Best regards,

Adrien Hirvoas


Dear Dr. Jonkman,

Could you kindly send the manual to this email

Kind regards,



Dear Dr. Jonkman,

I’m a first year PhD. student studying OpenFast for my load control research.
Could you kindly send the unofficial manual to this email ?

Kind regards.


Very Sorry for my mistake, sir. I find that I wrote an invalid e-mail address for receiving before. Could you please resent the unofficial manual to the correct address:
Sorry again for troubling you!
Best regards.


Hi Jason,

I am new to the forum and trying to get started. Could you please help me with the following when you have time?

  1. Could you please send me a copy of the Unofficial FAST Theory Manual to my email (
  2. Could you also please point me to the baseline model for for me to get started which has all the necesary input files and compiled controller DLLs?

Thanks in advance,

Dear Sri,

I’ve e-mailed you the “Unofficial FAST Theory Manual”.

Are you intending to run OpenFAST on Windows?

Best regards,

Dear Jason,

Thanks for your eloborate email with the necessary documents :slight_smile:

Yes, I intend to run OpenFAST on Windows. Can you please help with a baseline set-up along with necessary controller DLLs?

Thanks in Advance,

Dear Sri,

You can find precompiled binary Windows executables of various releases of OpenFAST here: Presumably you’d want to start with the newest version (v3.0.0).

You can find the corresponding OpenFAST sample models / input files in the release page of the OpenFAST r-test:

I just noticed that the precompiled controller DLLs used with the various models of the NREL 5-MW baseline wind turbine r-test cases are not in the archives of OpenFAST v3.0.0 and v2.6.0, but you can find these in the v2.5.0 archive (see: … tag/v2.5.0), and should not change with v2.6.0 and v3.0.0. We should get this fixed soon.

Best regards,

Dear Sri,

The precompiled controller DLLs have now been posted together with the precompiled binary Windows executables for OpenFAST v3.0.0 and v2.6.0.

Best regards,

Dear Jason,

I’m a doctoral student developing control schemes structural load mitigation and lifetime control of wind turbines.
I have been using FAST v7 and would like to switch to OpenFAST.
Could you please send me the Unofficial FAST Theory Manual to this email?

Kind regards,


Dear Jason,
I’m a Ph.D. student working on wind turbine control systems. I am also getting started with openfast (and with open-source projects :slight_smile: and I have a few questions,

  1. Could you please also share the Unofficial FAST Theory Manual (and mention the documentation that, in your opinion, I should get familiar with)?

  2. I have access to Windows and Linux/Ubuntu. In the near future, I aim to use the Simulink interface to use the ROSCO controller and to test different custom controller designs. Do you suggest using one operating system over the other (e.g. Linux over Windows)? Will I need to compile the source code in order to test custom controller designs?

  3. I read the “readthedocs” documentation to get started and familiarized myself, but I am not sure of doing everything correctly.
    I have installed OpenFAST (in Linux through the conda installation and in Windows downloading the precompiled binaries from the GitHub repo, as suggested in … g-openfast).
    Then, I did download the r-test repository from
    I tried running the 5MW_Land_DLL_WTurb by running:

openfast r-test-main/glue-codes/openfast/5MW_Land_DLL_WTurb/5MW_Land_DLL_WTurb.fst

but I did obtain the following fatal error:

Then I searched through the inputs files, and I found that the DISCON.dll file doesn’t exist.

I also run into similar errors when trying to run some other .fst inputs files.
Am I doing this process correctly? Or am I making mistakes / skipping steps?
What is the correct way of running openfast?

I really appreciate any help you can provide.

Dear Juan,

Here are my answers to your questions:

  1. I have sent you what is known as the “Unofficial FAST Theory Manual”, but this is definitely not the first documentation I would read. As discussed in prior posts on this topic, this document is mostly useful if you want to understand the theory and structure of the ElastoDyn module. For new beginners of OpenFAST, unfortunately we don’t have detailed step-by-step instructions for how to make use of OpenFAST. Regardless, a good way to learn OpenFAST is to review the presentations and sample models/simulations that were presented at our last modeling workshop. These are available for FAST v8.08 (not quite the newest version, but I don’t have newer materials that are so comprehensive) in my in my Sep 15, 2014 post in the forum topic found here: Modeling Workshops. After that, I suggest that you study the various user’s guides and theory manuals.

  2. I would use whichever operating system you are most comfortable with; OpenFAST should work on both Windows and Linux/Ubuntu. You shouldn’t need to compile the source code unless you want to change the source code or implemented custom controls in source code. The Simulink interface and ROSCO controller provide convenient ways of implementing control systems without compiling.

  3. It looks like you are running OpenFAST correctly. Are you showing the OpenFAST output from a virtual Windows machine? The model you are running requires the use of a controller (DISCON) precompiled as a dynamic library. On Windows, this library should have a .dll extension. It doesn’t look like the path to these files is correct. You can find the files available for download here: …

Best regards,

Dear Mr. Jonkman

I am writing my thesis on offshore wind turbine structural health monitoring and I am interested in understanding the theory behind the Elastodyn module. Would it be possible to send me the unofficial theory manual?


Best regards
Nikolas Anastasiadis