Dear Jason,
Thank you for your answer which made me realize my question was not complete because I had little knowledge of wind turbines.
I’ll try again, two questions:
Given that the Drivetrain rotational-flexibility DOF, described in the FAST User’s Manual:
“(…) is modeled as an equivalent shaft separating the generator from the hub.”
I understand that in the case of a direct drive generator of the type in which permanent magnets are placed inside of the generator rotor (surface mounted, radial flux layout) this DOF would be used to model the stiffness of the structural elements connecting the generator rotor to the hub. Is this the right interpretation?
So far in my simulations, I was simply disabling this DOF because I read here:
in your answers to Ramya Niranjan’s questions, that for an IEA Wind 15 MW turbine one could do so because of the large stiffness of the short shaft.
- Can it be safely assumed that for any direct drive turbine this DOF is of little importance for the overall dynamics of the turbine?
below is how I was imagining the element holding the permanent magnets and the way it could be connected to the hub:
As for the edgewise bending of the blades in the topic, what I meant was:
In the baseline controller the edgewise blade deflection frequency is filtered out from the LSS (low speed shaft) rotational speed so these DOFs (edgewise modes of the blades and shaft rotation) must be coupled. If it is so, then for a direct drive turbine if I assume no damping in the drive train this will affect the generator.
2. I am currently modeling the generator and calculating the output power using the filtered LSS speed, should I be using the unfiltered one?
I have an impression I am missing something important about the nacelle dynamics.