Design a state feedback controller instead of output feedback controller

Dear Jason Jonkeman,

I have a problem with the state-space vector of the linear model that FAST generates at a particular speed (for example 14 m/s).
The problem is that when generating the state-space matrices (AvgAMat, AvgBMat, …) is finished, in the file with the format .lin we have the operating points for the outputs, inputs, and states. In the .lin file, the units of the outputs and inputs (u,y) exist but the units of states in the state vector don’t exist. Therefore, If I want to design a state-space feedback controller (u=Kx) I will need the units of the states at the operating points. How can I find the units (deg, deg/s, rpm, …) for the states?


Dear Behzad,

Which degrees of freedom have you enabled in FAST v7?

Best regards,

I have enabled the GenDOF and PtfmPDOF.
2 degrees of freedom. 4 states.

Dear Behzad,

Both of these DOFs are angular rotations; the angles are in radians and the angular rates are in rad/s.

Best regards,

Dear Jason Jonkman,

Thank you for your kind reply.
