Hello all,
is it possible to include a damper in the top part of the tower?
What I have in mind:
It needs to have the nacelle-motions as input, then the damping is calculated with a user-defined function and the damped motions are given back to FAST.
I don’t want to recompile the program and it would be nice when it is possible to use FAST 8.16.
And, unfortunately there is no ADAMS-license available to me.
Best regards,
Dear Simon,
From what you describe, the TMD submodule of the ServoDyn module of FAST v8 should suit your needs. The TMD submodule is a standard feature of FAST v8.16, with documentation available here: nwtc.nrel.gov/TMD.
Best regards,
Dear Jason,
yes I saw that there is this module. Is it capable of modeling nonlinear damping and strings? In the default TMD input file I haven’t found an option to include a nonlinear equation.
Thank you for your great help all the time!
Best regards,
Dear Simon,
In the latest release of the TMD submodule in FAST v8.15 and newer, there is an option for a nonlinear spring-force table, among other features (although I don’t think the TMD documentation was updated to reflect that yet). If the exact spring/damper features you’re looking for aren’t available, you’ll have to update the source code accordingly.
Best regards,
Dear Jason,
I know that till now the TMD-Modul has to be deactivated for linearization in FAST v8.15 and v8.16,
but when we assume that FAST would be capable to linearize with activated TMD-Modul with TMD_DOF_MODE =2 (Omni-Directional), how would the Eigensolution look like?
Would there be one (because only one more mode is specified) additional mode or two (because the damper acts in a plane) and if only one how could i interpret such an mode?
Are there modes that are Omni-directional?
I hope you understand my questions.
Best regards,
Dear Simon,
The omni-directional TMD includes two structural degrees of freedom, so once FAST linearization with TMD is implemented, the eigensolution would result in two additional modes.
I hope that helps.
Best regards,