Hello, is there a more detailed description of this stall model available?
Dear @Matthias.Maerz,
Do you mean more information than what is available in: Unsteady Aerodynamics — OpenFAST v3.5.2 documentation?
Best regards,
Dear Mr. Jonkman,
I read the documentation and had a look into the source code (UnstaedyAero.f90):
For the 4 state HGM model I found a paper referenced (Dynamic inflow and unsteady aerodynamics models for modal and stability analyses in OpenFAST,
Journal of Physics) that provides a detailed view to the theory. Is there also such a document for the 5 state HGMV model available?
Best regards,
Matthias März
Dear @Matthias.Maerz,
I’m not aware of an NREL publication where the 5-state model is described.
Best regards,