15MW IEA RWT B-mode input data

Dear forum members,

Currently, I am attempting to perform a 15MW IEA RWT mode analysis using B-modes_JJ.

For the construction of B-mode input data, I initially based it on the B-mode input provided in Github’s IEA-15-240-RWT V1.1.2. I adjusted the ‘General parameters’ and ‘Properties of tower support subsystem,’ to match the floating model.

However, the results show Tower 1st SS and 1st FA frequencies to be around 0.3Hz, which is different from what is reported in the documentation.

Upon reviewing discussions from the past forum, it appears that the information in the ‘Blade-tip or tower-top mass properties’ section of the B-mode input provided in Github’s IEA-15-240-RWT V1.1.2 might be inaccurate and require modifications. Do you agree with my assessment?

Alternatively, are there other aspects I should consider for review?

Additionally, if anyone could share the ‘Blade-tip or tower-top mass properties’ section from their B-mode input, I would greatly appreciate it.

I have also explored methods for mode analysis using tools like WISDEM, but the current situation requires the use of B-mode, so any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Best regards,

Dear @Jisu.Lim,

I’m not sure I fully understand the source of your data and what you’ve specified in your BModes input file. Can you clarify your question?

Best regards,

Dear @Jason.Jonkman

I apologize for my delayed response, despite your prompt reply to my previous inquiry.

To summarize my initial question, I am seeking confirmation regarding the correct input for executing B-mode_JJ. Specifically, I am curious if the values I entered for the “Blade-tip or tower-top mass properties” in the BMI file parameters are accurate.

I have attached a screenshot of the input file I submitted for your reference.

Secondly, I have reconstructed the Tower_prop.dat file. I am curious to know if the data has been reconstructed correctly.

Similarly, I have attached a screenshot of the input file I submitted for your reference.

In addition to the input parameters mentioned, I have independently generated various other parameters and conducted the analysis. The results show that the Tower 1st SS and 1st FA frequencies are around 0.5Hz.

I am curious to know if these results are reliable, considering they differ slightly from the results stated in the report.

I apologize for the lengthy question. Thank you for reviewing it, and I would appreciate your response.

If you have any additional information or further inquiries, please feel free to let me know.

Best regards,

I recently ran BModes in support of some investigation around the correct values of structural damping, see Simple vs ctrl by ptrbortolotti · Pull Request #158 · IEAWindTask37/IEA-15-240-RWT · GitHub
I’ve just pushed the files for BModes including the RNA here https://github.com/ptrbortolotti/IEA15_BModes/tree/master/RNAon
I hope this helps.
Best regards,

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Hi @Pietro.Bortolotti,
very nice to (tele)meet you.
One question: these files are for the tower of the IEA 15MW bottom-fixed wind turbine, right?
Can the BModes input files for the tower of the IEA 15MW UMaine semisub be found somewhere?

Many thanks