-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- FAST PLATFORM FILE -------------------------------------- Platform file for doing nothing more than calling user-defined routine UserTwrLd. ---------------------- FEATURE FLAGS (CONT) ------------------------------------ True PtfmSgDOF - Platform horizontal surge translation DOF (flag) False PtfmSwDOF - Platform horizontal sway translation DOF (flag) Fasle PtfmHvDOF - Platform vertical heave translation DOF (flag) False PtfmRDOF - Platform roll tilt rotation DOF (flag) False PtfmPDOF - Platform pitch tilt rotation DOF (flag) False PtfmYDOF - Platform yaw rotation DOF (flag) ---------------------- INITIAL CONDITIONS (CONT) ------------------------------- 0.0 PtfmSurge - Initial or fixed horizontal surge translational displacement of platform (meters) 0.0 PtfmSway - Initial or fixed horizontal sway translational displacement of platform (meters) 0.0 PtfmHeave - Initial or fixed vertical heave translational displacement of platform (meters) 0.0 PtfmRoll - Initial or fixed roll tilt rotational displacement of platform (degrees) 0.0 PtfmPitch - Initial or fixed pitch tilt rotational displacement of platform (degrees) 0.0 PtfmYaw - Initial or fixed yaw rotational displacement of platform (degrees) ---------------------- TURBINE CONFIGURATION (CONT) ---------------------------- 0.0 TwrDraft - Downward distance from the ground level [onshore] or MSL [offshore] to the tower base platform connection (meters) 0.0 PtfmCM - Downward distance from the ground level [onshore] or MSL [offshore] to the platform CM (meters) 0.0 PtfmRef - Downward distance from the ground level [onshore] or MSL [offshore] to the platform reference point (meters) ---------------------- MASS AND INERTIA (CONT) --------------------------------- 0.0 PtfmMass - Platform mass (kg) 0.0 PtfmRIner - Platform inertia for roll tilt rotation about the platform CM (kg m^2) 0.0 PtfmPIner - Platform inertia for pitch tilt rotation about the platform CM (kg m^2) 0.0 PtfmYIner - Platfrom inertia for yaw rotation about the platform CM (kg m^2) ---------------------- PLATFORM (CONT) ----------------------------------------- 0 PtfmLdMod - Platform loading model {0: none, 1: user-defined from routine UserPtfmLd} (switch) ---------------------- TOWER (CONT) -------------------------------------------- 0 TwrLdMod - Tower loading model {0: none, 1: Morison's equation, 2: user-defined from routine UserTwrLd} (switch) 0.0 TwrDiam - Tower diameter in Morison's equation (meters) [used only when TwrLdMod=1] 0.0 TwrCA - Normalized hydrodynamic added mass coefficient in Morison's equation (-) [used only when TwrLdMod=1] [determines TwrCM=1+TwrCA] 0.0 TwrCD - Normalized hydrodynamic viscous drag coefficient in Morison's equation (-) [used only when TwrLdMod=1] ---------------------- WAVES --------------------------------------------------- 1027 WtrDens - Water density (kg/m^3) 51 WtrDpth - Water depth (meters) 0 WaveMod - Incident wave kinematics model {0: none=still water, 1: plane progressive (regular), 2: JONSWAP/Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum (irregular), 3: user-defind spectrum from routine UserWaveSpctrm (irregular), 4: GH Bladed wave data} (switch) 0 WaveStMod - Model for stretching incident wave kinematics to instantaneous free surface {0: none=no stretching, 1: vertical stretching, 2: extrapolation stretching, 3: Wheeler stretching} (switch) [unused when WaveMod=0] 3630 WaveTMax - Analysis time for incident wave calculations (sec) [unused when WaveMod=0] [determines WaveDOmega=2Pi/WaveTMax in the IFFT] 0.25 WaveDT - Time step for incident wave calculations (sec) [unused when WaveMod=0] [0.1<=WaveDT<=1.0 recommended] [determines WaveOmegaMax=Pi/WaveDT in the IFFT] 6 WaveHs - Significant wave height of incident waves (meters) [used only when WaveMod=1 or 2] 10 WaveTp - Peak spectral period of incident waves (sec) [used only when WaveMod=1 or 2] DEFAULT WavePkShp - Peak shape parameter of incident wave spectrum (-) or DEFAULT (unquoted string) [used only when WaveMod=2] [use 1.0 for Pierson-Moskowitz] 0.0 WaveDir - Incident wave propagation heading direction (degrees) [unused when WaveMod=0 or 4] 123456789 WaveSeed(1) - First random seed of incident waves [-2147483648 to 2147483647] (-) [unused when WaveMod=0 or 4] 213456789 WaveSeed(2) - Second random seed of incident waves [-2147483648 to 2147483647] (-) [unused when WaveMod=0 or 4] GHWvFile - Root name of GH Bladed files containing wave data (quoted string) [used only when WaveMod=4] ---------------------- CURRENT ------------------------------------------------- 0 CurrMod - Current profile model {0: none=no current, 1: standard, 2: user-defined from routine UserCurrent} (switch) 0.0 CurrSSV0 - Sub-surface current velocity at still water level (m/s) [used only when CurrMod=1] DEFAULT CurrSSDir - Sub-surface current heading direction (degrees) or DEFAULT (unquoted string) [used only when CurrMod=1] 20 CurrNSRef - Near-surface current reference depth (meters) [used only when CurrMod=1] 0.0 CurrNSV0 - Near-surface current velocity at still water level (m/s) [used only when CurrMod=1] 0.0 CurrNSDir - Near-surface current heading direction (degrees) [used only when CurrMod=1] 0.0 CurrDIV - Depth-independent current velocity (m/s) [used only when CurrMod=1] 0.0 CurrDIDir - Depth-independent current heading direction (degrees) [used only when CurrMod=1] ---------------------- OUTPUT (CONT) ------------------------------------------- 0 NWaveKin - Number of points where the wave kinematics can be output [0 to 9] (-) WaveKinNd - List of tower nodes that have wave kinematics sensors [1 to TwrNodes] (-) [unused if NWaveKin=0]