ipltdat=5 maxscr=1024 (assign a maximum block of 1024*1024 RAM for scratch LHS) ISOR=0 (omit ISOR in POT file, include source formulation) ISOLVE=1 (use direct solver) ISCATT=0 (solve for total diffraction potential, not scattering) IQUAD=0 (omit IQUAD in POT file, use single-node quadrature) ILOG=1 (omit ILOG in POT file, integrate log singularity) IDIAG=0 (omit IDIAG in POT file, panel length based on area) IRR=1 (omit IRR in POT file, irregular-frequency removal) IPERIO=2 (input frequencies in radians per second) ILOWHI=1 (use high-order panel method) ILOWGDF=1 (write low order gdf) PANEL_SIZE=2.0 (average length of panel) MONITR=0 (do not write FORCE output data to monitor) NUMHDR=1 (write headers to numeric output files) USERID_PATH=C:\WAMIT\v6414-nrel (directory for *.exe, *.dll, and userid.wam)