---------------------- FAST MOORING FILE -------------------------------------- NREL 5.0 MW offshore baseline floating platform input properties for the MIT/NREL TLP. #rho=1025; WtrDpth=150 ---------------------- SIMULATION CONTROL -------------------------------------- False Echo - Echo input data to .ech (flag) default DT - Communication interval for module (s) 4 NumLines - Number of lines 20 NumElem - Total number of elements per line default Gravity - Gravitational acceleration (m/s^2) default WtrDens - Water density (kg/m^3) 100 MaxIter - Maximum number of static iterations 1e-4 Eps - Static iteration tolerance ---------------------- MOORING LINES 1 ------------------------------------------- 258.56E6 LEAStiff - Axial stiffness 39.4384 LMassDen - Mass per unit length of the element 0.5149 LDMassDen - Displaced mass per unit length of the element 5.15 LineCI - The inertia force per unit length / unit accel. 49.20 LineCD - The drag force per unit length / unit relative vel squared. 105.00 LUnstrLen - Unstretched length 1.0E4 BottmStiff - Seabed stiffness 27.0 LRadAnch (m) 0.0 LAngAnch (deg) 150.0 LDpthAnch (m) 27.0 LRadFair (m) 0.0 LAngFair (deg) 45.00 LDrftFair (m) 6868.0E3 Tension - Initial top tension (N) 1.0E10 GSL21 - The linear spring stiffness in x-direction between mooring & platform 1.0E10 GSL22 - The linear spring stiffness in y-direction between mooring & platform 1.0E10 GSL23 - The linear spring stiffness in z-direction between mooring & platform ---------------------- MOORING LINES 2 ------------------------------------------- 258.56E6 LEAStiff - Axial stiffness 39.4384 LMassDen - Mass per unit length of the element 0.5149 LDMassDen - Displaced mass per unit length of the element 5.15 LineCI - The inertia force per unit length / unit accel. 49.20 LineCD - The drag force per unit length / unit relative vel squared. 105.00 LUnstrLen - Unstretched length 1.0E4 BottmStiff - Seabed stiffness 27.0 LRadAnch (m) 90.0 LAngAnch (deg) 150.0 LDpthAnch (m) 27.0 LRadFair (m) 90.0 LAngFair (deg) 45.00 LDrftFair (m) 6868.0E3 Tension - Initial top tension (N) 1.0E10 GSL21 - The linear spring stiffness in x-direction between mooring & platform 1.0E10 GSL22 - The linear spring stiffness in y-direction between mooring & platform 1.0E10 GSL23 - The linear spring stiffness in z-direction between mooring & platform ---------------------- MOORING LINES 3 ------------------------------------------- 258.56E6 LEAStiff - Axial stiffness 39.4384 LMassDen - Mass per unit length of the element 0.5149 LDMassDen - Displaced mass per unit length of the element 5.15 LineCI - The inertia force per unit length / unit accel. 49.20 LineCD - The drag force per unit length / unit relative vel squared. 105.00 LUnstrLen - Unstretched length 1.0E4 BottmStiff - Seabed stiffness 27.0 LRadAnch (m) 180.0 LAngAnch (deg) 150.0 LDpthAnch (m) 27.0 LRadFair (m) 180.0 LAngFair (deg) 45.00 LDrftFair (m) 6868.0E3 Tension - Initial top tension (N) 1.0E10 GSL21 - The linear spring stiffness in x-direction between mooring & platform 1.0E10 GSL22 - The linear spring stiffness in y-direction between mooring & platform 1.0E10 GSL23 - The linear spring stiffness in z-direction between mooring & platform ---------------------- MOORING LINES 4 ------------------------------------------- 258.56E6 LEAStiff - Axial stiffness 39.4384 LMassDen - Mass per unit length of the element 0.5149 LDMassDen - Displaced mass per unit length of the element 5.15 LineCI - The inertia force per unit length / unit accel. 49.20 LineCD - The drag force per unit length / unit relative vel squared. 105.00 LUnstrLen - Unstretched length 1.0E4 BottmStiff - Seabed stiffness 27.0 LRadAnch (m) 270.0 LAngAnch (deg) 150.0 LDpthAnch (m) 27.0 LRadFair (m) 270.0 LAngFair (deg) 45.00 LDrftFair (m) 6868.0E3 Tension - Initial top tension (N) 1.0E10 GSL21 - The linear spring stiffness in x-direction between mooring & platform 1.0E10 GSL22 - The linear spring stiffness in y-direction between mooring & platform 1.0E10 GSL23 - The linear spring stiffness in z-direction between mooring & platform ---------------------- OUTPUT -------------------------------------------------- True SumPrint - Print summary data to .sum (flag) (currently unused) 1 OutFile - Switch to determine where output will be placed: {1: in module output file only; 2: in glue code output file only; 3: both} (currently unused) True TabDelim - Use tab delimiters in text tabular output file? (flag) (currently unused) ES10.3E2 OutFmt - Format used for text tabular output (except time). Resulting field should be 10 characters. (quoted string) (currently unused) 5 TStart - Time to begin tabular output (s) (currently unused) OutList - The next line(s) contains a list of output parameters. See OutListParameters.xlsx for a listing of available output channels, (-) FairT1, AnchT1 FairT2, AnchT2 FairT3, AnchT3 FairT4, AnchT4 END of input file (the word "END" must appear in the first 3 columns of this last OutList line) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------