OC6 Phase I in AQWA

Hello everyone :smiley:

I have tried to simulate OC6 Phase I in AQWA, but there are few questions in my mind when I want to analyze further in LC2-4:

  1. I use regular waves to simulate the forced oscillation of LC2. Is this correct?
  2. I failed to divide the cable into two parts: spring and wire when I set up the Moored Test Configuration in AQWA. And I found that only the spring parameters were provided in Definition Document - Phase I OC6 ver18. Did I misunderstand the information provided ?

Thank in advance for your help!

Best regrads,

Dear Pengzhi,

Regarding your first question related to IEA Wind Task 30 OC6 Phase I, the answer is “no”. Load case 2.X involves forced oscillation in surge. There are no incident waves, but the surge motion produces outgoing waves.

I’m not sure I understand your second question.

Best regards,

Dear Jason,

Thank a lot for your help.

Sorry for not describing my question clearly regarding the second question. Actually, I confused about how to set up the Moored Test Configuration of LC4 in AQWA. The spring used for mooring is not in the water. Shall I build a fixed structure beside the floating body to connect the spring?

Thank in advance for your help!

Best regrads,

Dear Pengzhi,

I would suggest using the mooring line properties in Tables 4 and 5 as stated, not considering how the lines curve around a pulley and attached to a spring.

Best regards,