Modes of BModes

Tower distributed properties is as follows ;

Best regards,

Dear Arasalan,

I don’t see anything obviously wrong from my brief review of your files. But I can’t run the models myself when they are in PDF format. Can you upload the files in text format? (Change the file extension to .txt if you need to.)

Best regards,

Dear Jason,

I have trouble with uploading .txt files and receive " http error " when uploading the files with .txt format. What should I do ?

Best regards,

Dear Jason,

I haved zipped the files so that I could upload them and they are as follows; (214 Bytes) (904 Bytes) (998 Bytes)
Furthermore, the Tower distributed properties file is sent by next post because of post size limit.

Best regards, (927 Bytes)

Dear Arsalan,

I was able to obtain the Tower.txt and Driver.txt files from your uploaded archives, but the and archives seem to be corrupted and I cannot extract the text files. Can you simply upload these text files directly?


Dear Jason,

As I said it seems the forum has a size limit for the .txt format files. Therefore, I ought to send them as compressed version.
I repaired the corrupted files and uploaded them again which are as follows;
subdyn.rar (3.97 KB)
BModes.txt.rar (2.86 KB)

Best regards,

Dear Arsalan,

OK, I was able to extract BModes.txt and SubDyn.txt this time and I mimicked your problem with BModes. I found that the problem was a simple error in the input file, which I had missed in my earlier review. BModes input tow_support must be set to 1 for it it use the remaining inputs in the tower support system properties section of the BModes input file (tow_support=0 is really for modeling a simple free-free beam, without tower-base restraints). Setting tow_support=1 produces the expected results.

Best regards,

Dear Jason,

Yes I could manage it successfully.
I really appreciate you as always.

Best regards,