Dear Jason,
Thanks again for sharing your time and help. I should add that I calculated the mooring stiffness matrix with the python wrapper as it was discussed here before: [url]Mooring stiffness matrix].
I run with 1.0 m of surge displacement and I compare with my hand calculation. Mooring stiffness values match pretty close for all the components.
I have just tried your advise and run FAST model with MAP++ instead of MoorDyn. As you were expecting, FAST model with MAP++ also results with the same natural period in surge as 61.0 seconds (MAP++ and other input files are added). The surge period that I hand calculate is 41 seconds. Mass and added mass values are the same for the inclined and reference model. I am also adding spreadsheet calculations, where you can see my computations.
I should also add that I have added the pontoons to the MIT/NREL TLP so I don’t have precisely the same MIT/NREL TLP that Denis Matha described in his thesis work (NREL/SR-500-45891)
V_5.rar (15.4 KB)
Parametric5.xlsx (886 KB)