IEA 22 MW monopile offshore wind turbine

Switching back to modeling the structural dynamics of the blades with ElastoDyn will make you miss torsional effects, in addition to some more complex structural dynamics. I guess it depends on why you are running the IEA22. If you are looking at detailed loads, especially on the blades, then you are stuck with BeamDyn. OpenFAST v5.0 will speed up BeamDyn, but it’s a few months away

Thanks for your detailed reply. I want to get the forces at the top of the monopile at the seabed. In that case If I turn off BeamDyn is that Ok?-

This is a subjective choice. Your judgement will be the right one. Good luck! :wink:

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Dear Pietro.Bortolotti,
I have a question please, I compare the dynamic behavior between IEA 15 MW and IEA 22 MW , I attach the Generator power output of the two turbines

why the excursions of the minimum and maximum values increase with the wind speed in case of 15 MW and it almost constant in case of 22 MW?
Is there a specific reason? Did I made something wrong in my simulations?


The difference is in the power control logic of ROSCO. The IEA22 uses the constant power control (IEA-22-280-RWT/OpenFAST/IEA-22-280-RWT-Monopile/IEA-22-280-RWT_DISCON.IN at fe07471393c5b61eb0c7072bbfe2337ae80f3a81 · IEAWindTask37/IEA-22-280-RWT · GitHub), whereas for the IEA15 ROSCO uses the constant torque control (IEA-15-240-RWT/OpenFAST/IEA-15-240-RWT-Monopile/IEA-15-240-RWT-Monopile_DISCON.IN at 2575756896ab45575ab1c094da76fde65a3d1d47 · IEAWindTask37/IEA-15-240-RWT · GitHub). You should be able to see the difference in the torque signals

Thanks Dr. Pietro.Bortolotti, for your detailed reply.
another question please, I know that the rotor thrust increased until reaching the rated wind speed then decrease, but I don’t know why in my simulations the rotor thrust is max at wsp 10 m/s not the rated 11.5 m/s, what do you think makes this error please?
I used pitch and rotor speed initial conditions from interpolation between 11 m/s and 12 m/s


hello Marwa, that’s not an error, that’s just the response of the aeroelastic model driven by ROSCO, which has the peak thrust shaving logic turned on

Thanks Dr. Pietro.Bortolotti, for your quik reply. now I see like this paper.

Thanks again for your help

Dear all,
I know that I ask a lot of questions that may be basic.
I want to run OpenFAST with DTU Wind Energy Controller for turbines IEA 15 MW,
this link have only which is for linux, is there a way to find the .dll file for windows


Dear @Marwa.Mohamed,

You can find the BasicDTUController in the DTU GitLab repository: OpenLAC / BasicDTUController · GitLab. I’m personally not too familiar with this, but from the ReadMe, it appears that you can compile for Windows.

Alternatively, you can use the ROSCO controller with the IEA Wind 15-MW RWT in place of the BasicDTUController.

Best regards,

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Thanks for your consideration

Dear Dr. Pietro.Bortolotti, I have a question please.

why in case of NREL 5 MW (with ROSCO controller) and IEA 15 MW, the max thrust is exactly at the rated wind speed despite that the three turbines have PS_Mode=1


Marwa, I don’t know that you can do a 1-1 comparison among these models, which have been developed at different times with different codes. ROSCO must have been tuned slightly differently, and the peak shaving logic differs slightly. This said, the peak thrust shaving logic tries to plateau thrust around max wind speed, so where exactly the peak happens should not really matter

Thanks Dr. Pietro.Bortolotti for your detailed answer.