How to set wave surface side length

Hi all,

I am using OpenFAST-V3.5.1. This version can output wave surface.

But I did not find options in Hydrodyn to set wave surface side length or the discretization. Thus, I am concerned if there are any variables to get the wave surface with my desired area.

Kind regards,

Dear @Ran.Tu,

Upcoming in OpenFAST v4.0 with the release of the new SeaState module (see the following pull request for more information: Additional features for the new SeaState module and HydroDyn by luwang00 · Pull Request #1008 · OpenFAST/openfast · GitHub), the user will specify a grid where the wave elevation can be visualized.

Until then, the wave-elevation visualization is computed on a square grid that scales with the rotor diameter (the length of each side is equal to twice the rotor diameter).

Best regards,

Thanks for the clarification.

Kind regards,