In the FAST Blade or Tower input file,We can see the FLstunr and AdjEdst ,They are all used to adjust the stiffness.I really don’t understand the difference between the FlStTunr and AdjEdSt.
I don’t understand how to set the values.
Hope your replay!
Dear Ruiliang,
The blade and tower adjustment factors may be used to linearly scale the specified distributed mass and stiffness by “small amounts” to match known data (e.g., measured natural frequencies or overall mass/center of mass).
AdjFlSt is a simple linear scale factor that will multiply the distributed flapwise bending stiffness, FlpStff, and AdjEdSt is a simple linear scale factor that will multiply the distributed edgewise bending stiffness, EdgStff. FlStTunr(1) is a simple linear scale factor that will multiply the distribute flapwise bendingstiffness only for the first flapwise bending mode; likewise, FlStTunr(2) is a simple linear scale factor that will multiply the distribute flapwise bending stiffness only for the second flapwise bending mode.
I wouldn’t specify any of these factors to be outside the range of about 0.9 - 1.1 (shifting the associated mass or stiffness by +/- 10%). If larger factors are required to match known data, there is likely a problem somewhere (with the data itself, the distributed mass/stiffness, etc.).
I hope that helps.
Best regards,