Hello Everyone,
I am trying to incorporate a smart controlled flap to the NREL 5MW blades and analyze the structural response.
In order to do that, I have to compute the blade mode shape for the blade with flap.
I decided to use the BModes to calculate the mode shape for the original NREL 5MW blades at the beginning to validate my simulation procedure and calibrate some parameters.
However, when I was doing the calculation, the result doesn’t match the values given in the CertTest “NRELOffshrBsline5MW_Blade.dat”.
My input file for BModes is based on the report “Definition of a 5-MW Reference Wind Turbine for Offshore System Development”
And result:
flap mode 1 from the CertTest
0.0622 BldFl1Sh(2)
1.7254 BldFl1Sh(3)
-3.2452 BldFl1Sh(4)
4.7131 BldFl1Sh(5)
-2.2555 BldFl1Sh(6)
From BModes
If plot the polynomial, one can see that they are different.
I thought it might be due to the rotational speed. However, I tried several different speed and it didn’t work out.
Can anyone help me?
====================== BModes v1.03 Main Input File ==================
Original 5MW blade (output is space-delimited)
--------- General parameters ---------------------------------------------------------------------
False Echo Echo input file contents to *.echo file if true.
1 beam_type 1: blade, 2: tower (-)
12.1 romg: rotor speed, automatically set to zero for tower modal analysis (rpm)
1.0 romg_mult: rotor speed muliplicative factor (-)
63 radius: rotor tip radius measured along coned blade axis OR tower height (m)
1.5 hub_rad: hub radius measured along coned blade axis OR tower rigid-base height (m)
-2.5 precone: built-in precone angle, automatically set to zero for a tower (deg)
0. bl_thp: blade pitch setting, automatically set to zero for a tower (deg)
1 hub_conn: hub-to-blade connection [1: cantilevered; other options not yet available] (-)
20 modepr: number of modes to be printed (-)
f TabDelim (true: tab-delimited output tables; false: space-delimited tables)
t mid_node_tw (true: output twist at mid-node of elements; false: no mid-node outputs)
--------- Blade-tip or tower-top mass properties --------------------------------------------
0.0 tip_mass blade-tip or tower-top mass (kg)
0.0 cm_loc tip-mass c.m. offset from the blade axis measured along the tip section y reference axis (m)
0.0 cm_axial tip-mass c.m. offset tower tip measures axially along the z axis (m)
0.0 ixx_tip blade lag mass moment of inertia about the tip-section x reference axis (kg-m^2)
0.0 iyy_tip blade flap mass moment of inertia about the tip-section y reference axis (kg-m^2)
0.0 izz_tip torsion mass moment of inertia about the tip-section z reference axis (kg-m^2)
0.0 ixy_tip cross product of inertia about x and y reference axes(kg-m^2)
0.0 izx_tip cross product of inertia about z and x reference axes(kg-m^2)
0.0 iyz_tip cross product of inertia about y and z reference axes(kg-m^2)
--------- Distributed-property identifiers --------------------------------------------------------
1 id_mat: material_type [1: isotropic; non-isotropic composites option not yet available]
'5MWblade_sec_props.dat' sec_props_file name of beam section properties file (-)
Property scaling factors..............................
1.04536 sec_mass_mult: mass density multiplier (-)
1.0 flp_iner_mult: blade flap or tower f-a inertia multiplier (-)
1.0 lag_iner_mult: blade lag or tower s-s inertia multiplier (-)
1.0 flp_stff_mult: blade flap or tower f-a bending stiffness multiplier (-)
1.0 edge_stff_mult: blade lag or tower s-s bending stiffness multiplier (-)
1.0 tor_stff_mult: torsion stiffness multiplier (-)
1.0 axial_stff_mult: axial stiffness multiplier (-)
1.0 cg_offst_mult: cg offset multiplier (-)
1.0 sc_offst_mult: shear center multiplier (-)
1.0 tc_offst_mult: tension center multiplier (-)
--------- Finite element discretization --------------------------------------------------
48 nselt: no of blade or tower elements (-)
Distance of element boundary nodes from blade or flexible-tower root (normalized wrt blade or tower length), el_loc()
0 0.00325 0.01951 0.03577 0.05203 0.06829 0.08455 0.10081 0.11707 0.13335 0.14959 0.16585 0.18211 0.19837 0.21465 0.23089 0.24715 0.26341 0.29595
0.32846 0.36098 0.3935 0.42602 0.45855 0.49106 0.52358 0.5561 0.58862 0.62115 0.65366 0.68618 0.7187 0.75122 0.78376 0.81626 0.84878 0.8813
0.89756 0.91382 0.93008 0.93821 0.94636 0.95447 0.9626 0.97073 0.97886 0.98699 0.99512 1
--------- Properties of tension wires suporting the tower --------------------------------
0 n_attachments: no of wire-attachment locations on tower, maxm allowable is 2; 0: no tension-wire support (-)
3 3 n_wires: no of wires attached at each location (must be 3 or higher) (-)
6 9 node_attach: node numbers of attacments location (node number must be more than 1 and less than nselt+2) (-)
0.e0 0.e0 wire_stfness: wire spring constant in each set (see users' manual) (N/m)
0. 0. th_wire: angle of tension wires wrt the tower axis at each attachment point (deg)
Blade section properties
49 n_secs: number of blade sections at which properties are specified (-)
sec_loc str_tw tw_iner mass_den flp_iner edge_iner flp_stff edge_stff tor_stff axial_stff cg_offst sc_offst tc_offst
(-) (deg) (deg) (kg/m) (kg-m) (kg-m) (Nm^2) (Nm^2) (Nm^2) (N) (m) (m) (m)
0.00000 13.308 13.308 678.935 972.860 973.040 1.81100E+10 1.81136E+10 5.56440E+09 9.72948E+09 0.00017 0 0
0.00325 13.308 13.308 678.935 972.860 973.040 1.81100E+10 1.81136E+10 5.56440E+09 9.72948E+09 0.00017 0 0
0.01951 13.308 13.308 773.363 1091.520 1066.380 1.94249E+10 1.95586E+10 5.43159E+09 1.07895E+10 0.02309 0 0
0.03577 13.308 13.308 740.550 966.090 1047.360 1.74559E+10 1.94978E+10 4.99398E+09 1.00672E+10 0.00344 0 0
0.05203 13.308 13.308 740.042 873.810 1099.750 1.52874E+10 1.97888E+10 4.66659E+09 9.86778E+09 0.04345 0 0
0.06829 13.308 13.308 592.496 648.550 873.020 1.07824E+10 1.48585E+10 3.47471E+09 7.60786E+09 0.05893 0 0
0.08455 13.308 13.308 450.275 456.760 641.490 7.22972E+09 1.02206E+10 2.32354E+09 5.49126E+09 0.06494 0 0
0.10081 13.308 13.308 424.054 400.530 593.730 6.30954E+09 9.14470E+09 1.90787E+09 4.97130E+09 0.07718 0 0
0.11707 13.308 13.308 400.638 351.610 547.180 5.52836E+09 8.06316E+09 1.57036E+09 4.49395E+09 0.08394 0 0
0.13335 13.308 13.308 382.062 316.120 490.840 4.98006E+09 6.88444E+09 1.15826E+09 4.03480E+09 0.10174 0 0
0.14959 13.308 13.308 399.655 303.600 503.860 4.93684E+09 7.00918E+09 1.00212E+09 4.03729E+09 0.10758 0 0
0.16585 13.308 13.308 426.321 289.240 544.700 4.69166E+09 7.16768E+09 8.55900E+08 4.16972E+09 0.15829 0 0
0.18211 13.181 13.181 416.820 246.570 569.900 3.94946E+09 7.27166E+09 6.72270E+08 4.08235E+09 0.22235 0 0
0.19837 12.848 12.848 406.186 215.910 601.280 3.38652E+09 7.08170E+09 5.47490E+08 4.08597E+09 0.30756 0 0
0.21465 12.192 12.192 381.420 187.110 546.560 2.93374E+09 6.24453E+09 4.48840E+08 3.66834E+09 0.30386 0 0
0.23089 11.561 11.561 352.822 160.840 468.710 2.56896E+09 5.04896E+09 3.35920E+08 3.14776E+09 0.26519 0 0
0.24715 11.072 11.072 349.477 148.560 453.760 2.38865E+09 4.94849E+09 3.11350E+08 3.01158E+09 0.25941 0 0
0.26341 10.792 10.792 346.538 140.300 436.220 2.27199E+09 4.80802E+09 2.91940E+08 2.88262E+09 0.25007 0 0
0.29595 10.232 10.232 339.333 124.610 398.180 2.05005E+09 4.50140E+09 2.61000E+08 2.61397E+09 0.23155 0 0
0.32846 9.672 9.672 330.004 109.420 362.080 1.82825E+09 4.24407E+09 2.28820E+08 2.35748E+09 0.20382 0 0
0.36098 9.110 9.110 321.990 94.360 335.010 1.58871E+09 3.99528E+09 2.00750E+08 2.14686E+09 0.19934 0 0
0.39350 8.534 8.534 313.820 80.240 308.570 1.36193E+09 3.75076E+09 1.74380E+08 1.94409E+09 0.19323 0 0
0.42602 7.932 7.932 294.734 62.670 263.870 1.10238E+09 3.44714E+09 1.44470E+08 1.63270E+09 0.14994 0 0
0.45855 7.321 7.321 287.120 49.420 237.060 8.75800E+08 3.13907E+09 1.19980E+08 1.43240E+09 0.15421 0 0
0.49106 6.711 6.711 263.343 37.340 196.410 6.81300E+08 2.73424E+09 8.11900E+07 1.16876E+09 0.13252 0 0
0.52358 6.122 6.122 253.207 29.140 180.340 5.34720E+08 2.55487E+09 6.90900E+07 1.04743E+09 0.13313 0 0
0.55610 5.546 5.546 241.666 22.160 162.430 4.08900E+08 2.33403E+09 5.74500E+07 9.22950E+08 0.14035 0 0
0.58862 4.971 4.971 220.638 17.330 134.830 3.14540E+08 1.82873E+09 4.59200E+07 7.60820E+08 0.1395 0 0
0.62115 4.401 4.401 200.293 13.300 116.300 2.38630E+08 1.58410E+09 3.59800E+07 6.48030E+08 0.15134 0 0
0.65366 3.834 3.834 179.404 9.960 97.980 1.75880E+08 1.32336E+09 2.74400E+07 5.39700E+08 0.17418 0 0
0.68618 3.332 3.332 165.094 7.300 98.930 1.26010E+08 1.18368E+09 2.09000E+07 5.31150E+08 0.24922 0 0
0.71870 2.890 2.890 154.411 6.220 85.780 1.07260E+08 1.02016E+09 1.85400E+07 4.60010E+08 0.26022 0 0
0.75122 2.503 2.503 138.935 5.190 69.960 9.08800E+07 7.97810E+08 1.62800E+07 3.75750E+08 0.22554 0 0
0.78376 2.116 2.116 129.555 4.360 61.410 7.63100E+07 7.09610E+08 1.45300E+07 3.28890E+08 0.22795 0 0
0.81626 1.730 1.730 107.264 3.360 45.440 6.10500E+07 5.18190E+08 9.07000E+06 2.44040E+08 0.206 0 0
0.84878 1.342 1.342 98.776 2.750 39.570 4.94800E+07 4.54870E+08 8.06000E+06 2.11600E+08 0.21662 0 0
0.88130 0.954 0.954 90.248 2.210 34.090 3.93600E+07 3.95120E+08 7.08000E+06 1.81520E+08 0.22784 0 0
0.89756 0.760 0.760 83.001 1.930 30.120 3.46700E+07 3.53720E+08 6.09000E+06 1.60250E+08 0.23124 0 0
0.91382 0.574 0.574 72.906 1.690 20.150 3.04100E+07 3.04730E+08 5.75000E+06 1.09230E+08 0.14826 0 0
0.93008 0.404 0.404 68.772 1.490 18.530 2.65200E+07 2.81420E+08 5.33000E+06 1.00080E+08 0.15346 0 0
0.93821 0.319 0.319 66.264 1.340 17.110 2.38400E+07 2.61710E+08 4.94000E+06 9.22400E+07 0.15382 0 0
0.94636 0.253 0.253 59.340 1.100 11.550 1.96300E+07 1.58810E+08 4.24000E+06 6.32300E+07 0.0947 0 0
0.95447 0.216 0.216 55.914 0.890 9.770 1.60000E+07 1.37880E+08 3.66000E+06 5.33200E+07 0.09018 0 0
0.96260 0.178 0.178 52.484 0.710 8.190 1.28300E+07 1.18790E+08 3.13000E+06 4.45300E+07 0.08561 0 0
0.97073 0.140 0.140 49.114 0.560 6.820 1.00800E+07 1.01630E+08 2.64000E+06 3.69000E+07 0.08035 0 0
0.97886 0.101 0.101 45.818 0.420 5.570 7.55000E+06 8.50700E+07 2.17000E+06 2.99200E+07 0.07096 0 0
0.98699 0.062 0.062 41.669 0.250 4.010 4.60000E+06 6.42600E+07 1.58000E+06 2.13100E+07 0.05424 0 0
0.99512 0.023 0.023 11.453 0.040 0.940 2.50000E+05 6.61000E+06 2.50000E+05 4.85000E+06 0.05387 0 0
1.00000 0.000 0.000 10.319 0.020 0.680 1.70000E+05 5.01000E+06 1.90000E+05 3.53000E+06 0.05181 0 0
**Note: If the above data represents TOWER properties, the following are overwritten:
str_tw is set to zero
tw_iner is set to zero
cg_offst is set to zero
sc_offst is set to zero
tc_offst is set to zero
edge_iner is set equal to flp_iner
edge_stff is set equal to flp_stff