Hydrodynamic implementation

Dear Jason,

Thanks for your prompt reply.

  • I used RotTrq to consider also the inertia of the rotor (I noted that in an Onshore Test the TwrBsMx= RotTrq+transport moments);
  • M_plat is the mass platform (M_plat=7466330 kg) since I consider the turbine weight in Fz_tower;
  • Mooring moments are obtained by multiply C_rot x F where:

-C_rot= X/Y/Z coordinates of the fairlead respect (0,0,0) in each time step.

-I obtained the mass matrix relative to the center of mass through the following inverse transformation: Mcg = (TransMat^T)^-1 * M_swl * TransMat^-1
(where TransMat is the one indicated in this topic "OC3-Hywind RAOs where the
inputs of the rotation matrix are those in still water). Then the mass matrix (in 0 0 0) relative to the position of the system is obtained by applying the
direct transformation M_swl = TransMat^T * Mcg * TransMat, using the current positions of Cg as the input of TransMat.

-We consider [Fx_tow Fy_tow Fz_tow Mx_tow My_tow Mz_tow] applied in (0,0,Rotor height) because I set: OverHang=ShftGagL=NacCMxn=NcIMUxn=0 so
I transported forces and moments in the system frame (0,0,0) integral to the structure then considering the platform rotation.

by setting the parameters OverHang=ShftGagL=NacCMxn=NcIMUxn=0, is it possible that the mass matrix changes?

Best regards,