Drivetrain Dynamic Model

Dear Jason,

thank you so much for your replies. In the forum linked as Resistant moment of the rotor and of the electric generator you replied to another user that the equation of the drivetrain is

T_Aero – J_RotorAlpha = DTTorSpr(Azimuth-LSSGagPxs) + DTTorDmp*( RotSpeed- LSSGagVxs).

I was expecting a term Br (aerodynamic damping) to model viscous friction to appear in the equations i.e.

T_Aero – J_RotorAlpha = DTTorSpr(Azimuth-LSSGagPxs) + DTTorDmp*( RotSpeed- LSSGagVxs) +Br*RotSpeed.

Can you tell me please why viscous friction losses are not incorporated in the model? Thank you in advance for your responses!
